“Friendship is the poetry of life.” - Alphonse de Lamartine

The poetry of friendship

The language we talk - Project Team
The language we talk – Project Team

Since 2005 ACC has worked hard to fight corruption and advance human rights, civil liberties, and the culture of Albanians worldwide. Its motto is “Corruptio Optimi Pessima” (The corruption of the best is the worst), as a reminder that the defence of human rights is always ongoing and never stopping.

ACC was founded in Tirana, Albania, by a group of journalists and intellectuals, to champion and protect press freedom and act as a check on the government and particularly on the police and other law enforcement organizations. ACC is also a registered association in Belgium. With time its mission spread in other important areas of interest.

An important field of interest of ACC is the support and propagation of quality Albanian literature and books, through its publications, like Revista letrare, and the support for the authors will financial backing for their publications and copyright protection.

For their work and activism, members of ACC have been often harassed and persecuted in Albania and other countries, but have always maintained dignity and have held the core principles of truth and human rights. So, if you feel persecuted and harassed because of your ethnicity, sexual orientation, membership in a political or civil organization, or the government institutions neglect or refuse to protect your life and liberties, independent of the persecutor’s identity, ACC wants to hear from you and when possible assist with advice and civic actions.

Anyone, individual, organization, or business entity, independent of its nationality and residence, can become a member of ACC. For more information please see Membership.